Maine Writer

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Friday, November 06, 2020

Bipartisan American election 2020 - Integrity validated


Election integrity!
— Governor Larry Hogan, Senate President Bill Ferguson and House Speaker Adrienne A. Jones released a joint, bipartisan public service announcement on the importance of counting every vote and protecting the integrity of the electoral system.

“Our democracy relies on the confidence of voters in a free and fair election,” Ferguson said. “Because of this, it is our mission to ensure every vote is counted.

“We are here, united, to support a complete counting and certification of Maryland’s election results, and encourage everyone’s patience and calm during this period.

“Despite these unprecedented circumstances, Maryland has risen to the occasion,” Ferguson said.

Hogan said, “Marylanders are coming out to vote in record numbers at our polling places, where it is safe and public health protocols are in place.

“We are also working closely with state and federal law enforcement partners to provide election security oversight and ensure our election systems are protected against any potential outside threats.

“Democracy is not a partisan issue,” Hogan said. “We are one, united Maryland.”

Jones said,” We will stand by the results of this election and urge leaders across the country to do the same.

“American democracy works best when we stand behind the common principles that bind our institutions together.

Nothing is more important to us than to ensure that your voices are heard and that your votes are counted,” Jones said.

“Maryland, thank you for voting,” the three leaders said in unison.

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