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Thursday, October 29, 2020

Donald Trump's actions have caused lasting damage to this country- #VoteJoeBiden

Editorial | Joe Biden for President

By The Daily Pennsylvanian Editorial Board

The Editorial Board of The Daily Pennsylvanian Inc. endorses Joe Biden for the 2020 

Presidential Election. Credit: Son Nguyen

In 2020, the grueling election process produced two candidates with close ties to the University of Pennsylvania: President Donald Trump, a 1968 Wharton graduate, and former Vice President Joe Biden, a former Penn professor.

While both share a bond with Penn, the similarities end there.

In fact, the stakes in this election are higher than ever. The climate, the economy, our health, and our lives are on the line. While we can't reverse the past four years of failed leadership under Trump, we can prevent the next four from resembling them. If that sounds like a noble goal, there is only one way forward: A vote for Joe Biden.

The constant chaos stemming from the White House, the ever-growing division in our nation, and a worsening pandemic are all evidence of Trump's disgraceful first term. As a result, The Daily Pennsylvanian Editorial Board is endorsing Joe Biden for president.

Tens of millions of people, from both Pennsylvania and beyond, have already cast their vote, and tens of millions of people will do the same up through Election Day.

Despite the fact that millions have yet to cast their ballots, only a small fraction of voters remain undecided. The vast majority of Americans feel strongly about Trump, Biden, or both. Although some have their reasons for leaving their vote until the last minute, the last four years should make the choice simple.

Joe Biden deserves your vote, both because of his own merits as a candidate and to prevent another four years of Trump.

As president, Biden will likely pass a giant stimulus bill, resembling the one passed over a decade ago under the leadership of former President Barack Obama. In today's COVID-ravaged economy, this is desperately needed. Biden would also enact an ambitious climate change plan that would get the United States to net-zero emissions by 2050. The plan would also attempt to close racial wealth gaps by encouraging the investing of tens of billions of dollars in communities of color.

Even if voters are not thrilled about Joe Biden, the alternative is far, far worse.

Donald Trump is an affront to American values. He has repeatedly violated legal norms, lied shamelessly tens of thousands of times, and set an abysmal example for the nation's young people. He has granted mainstream credibility to racist conspiracy theories, incited violence, and waged a constant war against the media. These are not the actions befitting of a president.

Donald Trump's actions have caused lasting damage to this country. His blatant disregard for long-standing norms could encourage future presidents to eschew tradition in favor of raw power. His attitudes on race have contributed to a spike in hate crimes, and will likely set race relations back years. And his corruption, coupled with a lack of serious consequences for it, will enable greed in future politicians.

Although Biden may not be the ideal candidate for many Americans, he is the only alternative to the damage done be Donald Trump. Some will argue he is too liberal, or not liberal enough, or too old to be president. But that is the nature of a successful presidential campaign. The best candidates bring together a voting bloc that does not agree on everything, but can agree on overarching principles.

Vice-President Joe Biden will bring back a sense of normalcy to the White House. He is a decent, honest man with the best of intentions. His administration will be far better for this country than four more years of division, chaos, and hatred.

Over eight months ago, we endorsed Bernie Sanders for president in the midst of the Democratic primary season. Now, we urge Penn community members to cast their ballot for Joe Biden in the general election. We must unite to defeat Penn's most infamous export: Donald Trump.

Editorials represent the majority view of members of The Daily Pennsylvanian, Inc. Editorial Board, which meets regularly to discuss issues relevant to Penn's campus. Participants in these meetings are not involved in the reporting of articles on related topics.

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