Maine Writer

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Location: Topsham, MAINE, United States

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Saturday, August 29, 2020

Senator Susan Collins is a Donald Trump surrogate

Echo opinion letter from Maine, published in the Portland Press Herald.  Senator Collins refuses to stand up to Donald Trump. She is a Trump surrogate.

 After a long career of voting across the political aisle, why did the Maine Senator Susan Collins gamble her legacy on Trump?

Echo from South Freeport, Maine- Donald Trump’s move to drill and sell oil from the Alaskan National Wildlife Refuge, ironically the day after it reported the third warmest temperature ever recorded on Earth: 130 degrees in California.

A classic Trumponian move – foolishly selling into a glutted market and despoiling a national treasure to appeal to his base, and create division and headlines to distract from his daily scandals, as well as a litany of illegal activities.

The window for the drilling was opened in the Trump tax bill, passed with Sen. Susan Collins’ deciding vote. Alaska’s Sen. Lisa Murkowski had that provision added in exchange for her vote. Collins voted for the bill in exchange for promises that President Trump and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell unshockingly broke. Collins said the cuts would pay for themselves; a study by the nonpartisan Congressional Research Service found that the results suggest they are paying for 5 percent or less. The rest would be left for our children and grandchildren.

Susan Collins voted against taking evidence or imposing any reprimand on Trump, saying that she thought he had “learned … a pretty big lesson.” Since then, Trump’s assault on our senses and our Constitution has gotten worse every day. Collins’ Senate committee just published a report that found that Trump’s campaign gave information to Russian intelligence to help his 2016 election. 

Senator Collins knew.

Democratic Maine House Speaker Sara Gideon has been gracious, intelligent and effective when faced with a divisive, headline-seeking chief executive. It is time for fresh, alert ideas in Washington. 

Vote Blue. Vote Joe Biden Kamala Harris. 

Please support Sara Gideon.

From Arnold Macdonald in South Freeport, Maine



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