Maine Writer

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Thursday, August 20, 2020

Donald Trump cannot deflect blame for the irresponsible American coronavirus disaster

(More Trump lies) So, Trump said “the cupboards were bare” of personal protective equipent (ppe) and ventilators when he took office, but they were bare three years into his administration. 
Opinion echo published in the Southern Rhode Island Newspapers

Trump's disapproval rating is at a new high. A new poll says that Americans are embarrassed b
y the USA's coronavirus response.

(Maine Writer- in fact, the public health professionals have been preparing for a world pandemic for the past several decades.)

When asked about this, Trump deflectd. He blamed Russian Gate, Ukraine Gate, and the impeachment, which is hogwash, since there were adequate government resources available to address the need for medical supplies when President Obama supported the pandemic response committee.

Ronald Klain, an Obama administration official who addressed potential pandemic outbreaks said Obama’s administration provided the Trump administration with a 69 page pandemic manual called Playbook for Early Response to High-Consequence Emerging Infectious Disease Threats and Biological Incidents. This document was ignored by Trump’s administration. 

Additionally, Trump abolished the office for pandemic preparedness in 2018, and cut by 75% a global pandemic monitoring system.

Obama’s pandemic manual references the need for the federal government to procure ppe, detect the outbreak, acquire funding and invoke the Defense Production Act at the earliest indication of a pandemic in the world. It calls for appointment of a single knowledgeable federal person to lead the response effort, which is not an unqualified president or vice president.

Trump said he could not have predicted the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic, but the Obama administration told Trump and his aides to prepare for a potential pandemic.

From Donald Moskowitz, in Londonderry, New Hampshire

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