Maine Writer

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Saturday, July 18, 2020

Outrage continues about Donald Trump's corrupt intent in the Roger Stone wrong minded pardon

Opinion echoes reverberate about the guilty Roger Stone.  Maine Writer cannot find any point of view whereby the wrong minded counter intuitive pardon of crony Stone by Donald Trump is finding any support. Not even Trumpzis are unable to defend this depth of judicial corruption. In fact, Stone lied to the FBI and he admitted his guilt. Stone lied to cover up for Donald Trump's collusion with his adopted Mother Russia!

Roger Stone has more to answer for was published in The Los Angeles Times by Harry Litman and republished in the Arizona
I blogged "Roger Stone Lied to Protect Guilty Donald Trump", about the position published in Buffalo News.

A St. Louis Post Dispatch editorial was published on July 13, titled "Editorial: Stone lied for Trump. Trump commuted Stone's sentence. Republicans stay silent."

"Stone isn’t even bothering to conceal the corrupt bargain here. He told an interviewer that Trump 'knows I was under enormous pressure to turn on him. It would have eased my situation considerably. But I didn’t'.”

Turn on him regarding what, exactly? Do Senate Republicans — who keep refusing to exercise any oversight whatsoever of this rogue president — have any thoughts on that mafioso-like comment? 

Further criticism about the corruption laced pardon was published in a Letter to the Editor, in response to the St. Louis Dispatch editorial (I would also note here that this same Missouri newspaper was among the first places where I read an editorial calling on Donald Trump to resign, long before the cacophony crescendo.)  

To the Editor: Regarding the editorial ”Stone lied for Trump. Trump commuted Stone’s sentence. Republicans stay silent.” (July 14): President Donald Trump recently proclaimed that “people are very happy” with his commutation of Roger Stone’s prison sentence. Apart from the absence of any support for that claim, I am confident that those people do not include the 12 jurors who did their civic duty by sitting through a multiday trial and unanimously convicted Stone of these serious felonies, including lying under oath and witness intimidation.

Serving on a jury can be a thankless task. At nominal jury pay, jurors lose days away from their jobs and personal lives to ensure that we have a fair and impartial justice system. Unlike the president, the Stone jurors had no personal stake in the outcome of the trial because if they did, they would have been excluded from jury service. What a slap in the face to those jurors to have their conscientious deliberations and judgment thrown aside by the stroke of the president’s pen.

All Americans, regardless of political views, should feel the sting of that slap. We cannot maintain a justice system if citizen jurors’ service and judgment is cavalierly dismissed by a president who, out of perverse loyalty or fear, protects crony friends from punishment for their crimes. From Sally Barker in St. Louis Missouri



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