Maine Writer

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Saturday, May 11, 2019

Hard working immigrants are hired by Trumpzi Republicans

"Republicans are now the Trumpzi party of George Lincoln Rockwell, an American neo-Nazi politician,"
 an echo opinion essay published in the Idaho State Journal.

In this echo letter to the editor, the writer John Dille calls out Republicans because of their disdain for the working class and, in so doing, they are enabling racism against immigrants. 

George Lincoln Rockwell (1918-1967) - American Nazi Party and an apologist for Adolf Hitler
After two years of having a solidly Republican House and Senate behind him, why is Donald Trump suddenly so adamant about getting the GOP to actually do something about immigration? 

Oh yeah… because Trump desperately needs to distract attention away from all the criminal behavior that is buried in the Mueller report and in his tax returns! Criminal and unethical behavior that was well documented long long before Trump ever ran for POTUS!

So, why the illegal immigration issue, now? Because Trump can get all the immigrants he wants via special visas — a program that he and his Republican allies want to dramatically expand, so what do they need illegals for?

Trump has bragged openly about hiring thousands of such folks! 

Rather than welcome immigrants, the Republicans want to cheat them out of fair salaries and earned benefits.
So much for MAGA, eh Trumpsters? Besides, rich Republicans have been hiring all the illegal immigrants they could handle for the last 50 years or so, and now a LOT of those illegal folks understand just how badly Republicans have been cheating them all these years — and the immigrants are speaking out! And those loud mouths are the illegals that Republicans want to get rid of, on top of all the women and kids that are not able to work like dogs for nothing!

There is no way to know the number of illegal immigrants who work in this area (of Idaho), but I would guess there are at least 10,000 or so, and now that spring has sprung, those folks are coming out of the woodwork! Just open your eyes and you will see them all over the place!

Now let me be crystal clear! I think massive amounts of illegal immigration is very bad for America and very bad for American working people! Which is why Republicans openly and deliberately and knowingly hire illegal immigrants. Republicans hate American working classes, and they despise working people. Most especially, they dislike black working people, but also poor white folks as well, not to mention the illegal immigrants they hire, but despise! Republicans hurt working people every way they possibly can, and they are destroying this nation by doing so! Republicans are the criminals here, not the illegal immigrants, most of whom are simply trying to create decent lives!

But look at all the jobs that Trump is creating!? What jobs (?) are those? Unemployment rates are low because huge numbers of people have given up even trying to find some low-wage job, especially black and Hispanic folks, because now we have an openly racist jerk in the White House and it's OK to be blatantly racist, again! 

The Republican Party of today is the Trumpzi party, it's is the party of Jefferson Davis and George Wallace — and Lincoln! Lincoln Rockwell, an American neo-Nazi politician, that is!

John Dille, Pocatello Idaho

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