Maine Writer

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Wednesday, May 01, 2019

A Missouri echo letter to the St. Louis Post Dispatch

Corrupt Donald Trump

Echo letter from Missouri, published in the St. Louis Post Dispatch,  newspaper.

To Donald Trump: (HELLO?) 

No, Donald Trump, in fact, you didn’t win the 2016 election; instead, you cheated. So much of our politics, especially elections, are reported and discussed as if they’re sporting events. 

And in that context, Vince Lombardi’s famous comment rules: “Winning isn’t everything; it’s the only thing.”

This is doubly true, both of Republicans who say the 2016 election settled everything, and of Democrats who shy away from impeachment and look toward the 2020 election to set things right. Winning is the only thing.
But using the sports-contest analogy, we now have incontrovertible evidence that the contest was not won fairly. The Trump campaign cheated. If this were the Olympics, his medals would have been taken away from him.
And that’s what our Congress needs to do now. If we ever want to restoreair elections — locally, statewide and nationally — we must address the cheating that occurred in 2016. It begins with impeachment.
Virginia Gilbert • St. Louis

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