Maine Writer

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Tuesday, April 23, 2019

William Barr- Just so you know: America deserves an Attorney General

An echo opinion published in the Billings Gazette in Montana

The Justice Department Attorney General is now Donald Trump's defense attorney
America deserves better than Trump
Kellyanne Conway (aka in MaineWriter's opinion - Cruella di Vil) , a senior adviser and counselor to Donald Trump, says Bob Mueller’s two-year investigation was a “political proctology exam and the president has been given a clean bill of health.” Something her husband George couldn’t even agree with. 

He wrote in an op-ed: “there is a cancer in the presidency: Congress now bears the solemn constitutional duty to excise that cancer without delay.” And he was joined by a bipartisan chorus that called the Mueller report a damning report on Trump’s conduct. That chorus included George Will, Bill Kristol, John Kasich and many other conservatives.

Both Attorney General Barr and Donald Trump are totally wrong on their claim that there was “no collusion.” The Mueller report cites many examples of collusion but says that they were unable to establish that all that collusion rose to a criminal level which under the law is called “conspiracy.” Fox News legal analyst Andrew Napolitano says there may be enough evidence to charge Trump with obstruction of justice. And he said that the Mueller report “did show a venal, amoral, deceptive Donald Trump.”

There is some good news for Republicans troubled by an administration that still has at least 12 other ongoing criminal investigations by the Justice Department and the state of New York. Bill Weld, the former Republican governor of Massachusetts and 2016 Libertarian vice presidential candidate, has decided to run as a Republican for the 2020 nomination. Now Republicans can listen to Kasich who said “America deserves better.”

Art Foeste, Billings Montana

What America needs is an Attorney General who enforces the law.

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