Maine Writer

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Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Trump oxymoron - an emergency "I did not have to declare"!

Classic oxymoron double speak*
What is an emergency the president says he did not have to declare? Opinion echo published in The Lincoln Journal Star newspaper, in Lincoln, Nebraska. Links the ACLU lawsuit are posted at the end of this letter, written to the editor of The Lincoln Journal Star.  Congress must remove Donald Trump for violating his oath of office, when he created an illegal emergency declaration.

Executive power amok - an emergency when there is none!
An emergency he said was an emergency because he wanted his wall faster.

The majority of America does not believe a border wall will stop drugs or illegal immigration. I don’t recall pictures of all those immigrants carrying drugs and guns as they swim rivers and climb walls.

Facts and history confirm that. Perhaps not the propaganda and fear-mongering that get ratings and money from pitting Americas against each other.

The Cato Institute, a libertarian political institution, published an opinion piece in 2017 that noted: “The reason President Trump’s wall would be a mammoth expenditure (is) that (it) would have little impact on illegal immigration. But perhaps that’s not the point. The campaign’s goal was to plant an image in voters’ minds of what making America great again would look like. The president’s goal may now be to create a symbol, an illustration of a nationalism that says to the world that although people of all kinds may want to come here, America was created by and for Americans.”

Trump is using a declaration of an emergency for his campaign, pure and simple. He is not getting his way with votes. Imagine the coming declarations if he succeeds.

Will we get to vote out Congress members who support this? In these dangerous times, will our congressional representatives support fear or the future of America?

Herbert Abrams, Lincoln Nebraska

*A figure of speech in which apparently contradictory terms appear in conjunction- Example: CNN reported: Lawsuits challenging Donald Trump's bogus national emergency declaration use his words against him.

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