Maine Writer

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Thursday, July 26, 2018

Hornswoggled by Donald Trump ~ Echo from Iowa

Letter to the editor of the Iowan Global Gazette newspaper: 

Time is running out on Donald Trump

There is no longer any justification for being a Trump supporter. I could see during the campaign and election and Hillary's unpopularity that some could have been hornswoggled* by Trump's unconscionable lies, poor judgement, and lack of knowledge about most everything. But after a year and a half of "much worse than we could have ever imagined," it's time for a reality check.

Trump inherited a healthy and recovering economy, no wars, unemployment rate at 4.7 percent and dropping, and we had strong and healthy relations with our allies, while we were sanctioning foes like Russia and North Korea. The stock market had tripled over the last eight years. There was economic momentum, and Trump quickly started taking credit for it even before the inauguration.

There is not one positive action taken or positive result under Trump, and with all the executive orders and legislation that has occurred, there is only one direction for the country to go. Do you think if Trump could push a button and make himself "supreme ruler", he wouldn't do it?

Republicans are too gutless to take charge of their party and pay the price to do what is right for democracy and America's future. Now Trump wants to have his new friend "Kimmie" at the White House, along with Putin, for a dictator party. Kim is a psychotic killer of his own people, even his uncle and half-brother. Trump excuses it by saying ,"Well other countries have done bad stuff." Trump brags that he "did a hell of a job over there and that the nuclear threat is gone."

Really? I predict Mueller with have his ducks in a row, and Trump will be one of them. He is a consummate law-and-order professional, and Trump can only act guilty in the meantime.

Steve Epperly, Mason City

*get the better of (someone) by cheating or deception.

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