Maine Writer

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Wednesday, December 06, 2017

Dart board Evangelicals

Evangelical Christians are a solid right wing voting block for conservative Republicans. They are dependable voters who rely on strong moral positions against abortion and support for "pro-life" issues, as they endorse litmus test candidates. These concrete thinking believers use simplistic code words to decide how they will vote - almost always, as Republicans. They don't care about what a candidate does, like sexual misconduct, so long as what is said goes on the record to reflect pro-life issues. But, what does the Bible say about these issues?  In my opinion - nothing.

But, life is not entirely "pro" or "totally choice". 

Rather, there are special circumstances that impact and affect practically every human decision.
Psalm 18- is probably the only Biblical passage worth blogging about. Evangelicals should think of it as the "bulls eye" of Scripture- "I love you- Yahweh my strength"
In my opinion, right wing Evangelicals are literally throwing darts at the Bible. They're inventing uncompromising precedents upon which, they believe, all politicians are to be judged. Then, they vote in lock step based upon whatever judgment they deem to be appropriate. This is classic cult mentality and Orwellian "group think" (a deterioration in mental deficiency).

Evangelicals are not reading what the Bible says when they create their extremist political views. In fact, there are no Biblical passages that supports political extremism.  

Therefore, I decided to go to the Bible and write the passages I randomly find, like throwing darts at Scripture. Here is what the Bible "really" says about how Evangelicals should develop their political positions. These passages are randomly selected from opening my Bible and letting the pages fall, where they may. 

These passages are stepping stones for Christians who should learn what the Bible says before leaping to extremist points of view and, thereby, voting for candidates who are "litmus tested", because they advocate for one particular issue.

Evangelicals that "litmus test" political candidates, should begin by reading what the Bible says, rather than making stuff up.  

I randomly opened my home New Jerusalem Bible, and the page fell to Psalm 18:  "I love you. Yahweh my strength."

Perfect!  Maybe, I don't need to go any further. My first random Biblical selection was the "bulls eye" of Scripture- Psalm 18.  Nothing else matters.  It's what Jesus Christ preached, all expressed in six poetic words. Evangelicals who only vote for Republicans, without regard to how the extremist policies negatively impact others, clearly need some counseling about Psalm 18.

Another randomly opened page- Mark 16:14- (Jesus) "...showed himself to the eleven themselves while they were at table. He reproached them for their incredulity and obstinacy because because they refused to believe those who had seen him...."

Evangelicals ignore Jesus when they turn their backs on undocumented children immigrants or when they support candidates who are sexual predators of children, just because they happen to be Republicans. Evangelicals who ignore the personal testimonies of innocent victims of the child sexual predator, Roy Moore of Alabama, are vicariously ignoring both Psalm 18 and the teachings of Jesus, who said in Matthew 25:40:-"whatever you do to the least of my brothers, so you do unto me...."

It goes without saying that Evangelicals should read the Bible with an understanding of what it says, rather than just mouth the words to create their own, unsubstantiated, political realities.

Those Evangelicals who want to be literal in their Biblical interpretations and apply their concrete thinking to political candidates need only read The Ten Commandments and the Sermon on the Mount.  Both passages are easy to memorize and to apply to our daily lives- and to political candidates.

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