Congratulations to South Carolina Democrats!
Yeah! Clinton magic still works. Mrs. Clinton, President Bill Clinton and their growing family must be very proud this evening, following the South Carolina primary election victory for the 2016 presidential election. "Instead of building walls, we need to be tearing down barriers!", she said in her wonderful victory speech.
Indeed, Mrs. Secretary Clinton gave an extraordinary campaign victory speech this evening on February 27, in South Carolina. "This Campaign is going national!", said Mrs. Clinton to her enthusiastic South Carolina supporters. Strength, message and victory were all evident in the heartfelt victory speech she gave to her supporters.
African Americans certainly gave their unqualified support to #Hillary2016!
Congratulations to the South Carolina Democrats who gave Mrs. Clinton a tsunami victory. She received over 80 percent support from South American African American voters!
Moreover, Mrs. Clinton gave the best speech of her political career.
African Americans certainly gave their unqualified support to #Hillary2016!
Congratulations to the South Carolina Democrats who gave Mrs. Clinton a tsunami victory. She received over 80 percent support from South American African American voters!
Moreover, Mrs. Clinton gave the best speech of her political career.
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