Maine Writer

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Saturday, January 04, 2025

Donald Trump kicks off his failed administration with fake priorities, lies and broken promises

Echo opinion letter published in TribLive a Pennsylvania lonline newspaper (Tribune Review): 
Not only are Republicans breaking with a promise to protect social safety nets for the working class, and poor people, but Trump lied about the origin of the New Orleans terrorist, who was an Americn citizen, and had no ties to Mexican, Central American or South Americn migrants.

Trump's promises and (fake) priorities: 
Is anyone registering what Donald Trump is now saying about the price of groceries and Social Security?

I watched at least six times as he promised to lower prices of groceries “on Day 1.” Now he is saying it is complicated and won’t be easy (hint, it’s not 😒going to happen).

What about his promise to not touch Social Security❓

We’re already hearing from GOP Congress members that they will be looking at ways to “rein it in,” including raising the retirement age to 70 and adjusting benefits. I think what Trump is doing instead is laying the groundwork for the $4 trillion tax cut for the very wealthy and large corporations.

Speaking of his priorities, how about going after Ann Selzer for releasing a poll that had Kamala Harris in the lead? Revenge and retribution seem to be his priorities, as well as shutting down any media that isn’t his lap dog. And the people cheer, not understanding that freedom of the press is one of the bedrocks of the Constitution. We need journalists reporting on government activities that don’t align with America, not just Trump mouthpieces.

I see letters loving that he is nominating cabinet members who have no credentials or experience for the position❗ I mean, what could go wrong there❓ The absolute wealthiest cabinet group in American history with the majority being billionaires. The rest are just measly millionaires. Surely they understand our pain and problems so they will be looking out for our interests, not their own❓ If you believe that, I have a bridge 🌉
 to sell you 😏.

From Karla Thomas in Hempfield, Pennsylvania

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