Mother's for Liberty are misguided about banning books Governor Tim Walz says "ban hunger" instead!
Minnessota Governor Tim Walz: "While others were banning books, we were banishing hunger!" -VP Walz #DNC2024 (I still can't believe folks don't want the children to have free lunch.)
Right now, Florida students are learning distorted versions of African American history and civics and studying literature devoid of many of our greatest authors.
As a writer, editor and former teacher, I have made the fight against censorship a big part of my life’s work.
Contrary to wrongminded beliefs within the (Mothers for Liberty🙅⚠️) MFL crowd, I do not advocate assigning books for classroom discussion that are sexually explicit for the sake of being so.
Instead, my mandatory reading must be literature first, not a test case for cultural debate. Many students will tell you such specificity makes them uncomfortable. At the same time, this is why we must not ban Shakespeare, Toni Morrison and other authors whose inclusion of sexuality is a necessary part of the literary narrative.
However, all books 📕📗📙should be available to students in the school libraries where they have the freedom to read what they choose.
Until we end this assault on education, we are graduating students with honors in propaganda.
From: June S. Neal Delray Beach
June S. Neal is the president of Read Banned Books.
Labels: Delray Beach, Florida, June S. Neal, Orlando Sentinel, Shakespeare, Toni Morrison
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