Maine Writer

Its about people and issues I care about.

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Location: Topsham, MAINE, United States

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Sunday, April 21, 2024

Donald Trump is not interested in supporting democracy but admires dictators

An election choice like no other- democracy or fascism❓
Unlike our current president Joe Biden, the alternative is disasterous.  Trump aims to be a dictator❗
Echo opinion letter published in the Waterbury Connecticut Republican Americans newspaper:

Are we better off now compared to four years ago? (Maine Writer- IMO, the COVID pandemic and Trump are synonomous!)
The answer is a resounding yes, if for no other reason than this: We now have a president who, should he lose the next election, will accept the results graciously and respectfully.

The contrast with the former president is clear. He acted and continues to act in an erratic and dangerous manner when faced with an unfavorable outcome. He did everything in his power to circumvent the will of a country that emphatically rejected him in 2020, going so far as to foment an attack on the Capitol, Congress, and on his own vice president! 

Trump considers the protections enshrined in our Constitution mere suggestions for him to twist, subvert, and defile as he sees fit. And still he claims to be a member of the ‘law and order’ party.

He aspires to be a dictator, there can be no denying that – he said it himself. His idols are Kim Jong Un, Vladimir Putin, and Vikor Orbán. Is that what we want for our country? The American Revolution was fought and won to break free of the shackles of a king. Why would any American be in favor of further eroding our democracy and subjecting the United States to the iron fist of authoritarianism? 😡

“You can’t love your country only when you win.”
#VoteBlue2024  #VoteBidenHarris

From Stephen Tarnowski from Southbury Connecticut

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