Maine Writer

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Tuesday, December 19, 2023

Warning about American democracy at risk! Future of democracy is on the 2024 ballot

Democracy is the only ballot issue that matters!

Democracy is at stake if Trump is reelected, Liz Cheney warns in her new book*.

Echo opinion letter published in the Atlanta Constitution Journal:

Dear Editor:  We can debate the age of candidates, issues ranging from the border, Ukraine, Israel, entitlement programs, abortion, healthcare, gun control, pick your hot item.

What we shouldn’t be debating on is whether the press should be free, insufficiently loyal generals should be executed, leaving NATO, abandoning our allies, deep state conspiracy theories, accepting inflammatory xenophobic language and revenge politics.

As we approach the primaries, and if you choose to support a Republican candidate, consider an alternative, vary your sources of news to hear all viewpoints and fact-check.

The only issue on the ballot is the future of democracy. The rest is a distant second. From Barry Davis in Marietta Georgia

*Ms. Cheney released Oath and Honor: A Memoir and a Warning, a no-holds-barred accounting from inside the Republican party during the days before and after January 6, Trump's efforts to remain in office after losing the 2020, election and her often-lonely role in trying to thwart them.

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