Maine Writer

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Location: Topsham, MAINE, United States

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Monday, July 17, 2023

Let me get this right? Ron "daahh" Santis is running for president against his own state constituent? WWWTP?

Echo opinion letter published in the Orlando Sentinel newspaper:
(Maine Writer- What is it about the lunacy of running a campaign against your own constituent, who is the former guy, that the D. "daahh" Santis campaign does not get?) 
Seems to me like the "Governor DeSanctimonious" needs to rethink his failing campaign strategy.

D. Santis or "daahh❗-Santis"? Loose cannons hurtling through Florida

Ponce de Leon’s Spanish sailors first docked in “La Florida” in 1513, at a place later named St. Augustine. 

Those sailors were always fearful that one of their ship’s cannons would break loose from its moorings and cause havoc as it careened wildly about the ship’s deck. The term “loose cannon” slowly transitioned into describing people who create havoc. Over 500 years later de Leon’s sailors’ fear came true, as “loose cannon” Ron DeSantis (aka, daaah-Santis) became governor of Florida, partially due to the support of another “loose cannon” named Donald Trump.

So, now Florida has two loose cannons careening wildly around Florida firing verbal fusillades at each other, not caring about the collateral damage they are causing. 

Both of these loose cannons need to be jettisoned overboard before they completely destroy democracy in America.
Trump Goes Scorched Earth On DeSantis With Freaky Hitler/Satan Post (Huffington Post).  "I’m gonna kick your ass very soon," mocked the former guy.

I wonder if our Florida governor even realizes that slavery was introduced into Florida in 1539, courtesy of Hernando DeSoto, almost 100 years before Jamestown, Virginia. 

History at times is sad and despicable, but it shouldn’t be whitewashed as DeSantis would like.

From James Stuart Emery in Valrico, Florida


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