Maine Writer

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Thursday, June 22, 2023

Trump corroborated on FOX News the reason for the government's 37 count federal indictment

This blog falls under the heading of "you can't make this stuff up"- On Fox NewsBret Baier certainly nailed the former guy to the political wall

And then, there is this picture taken of an exhibition where someone created a mock bathroom on the Donald Trump star, on the Hollywood Walk of Fame.
Reported in Forbes by Mark Joyella:  "When Asked about the documents and why Trump hadn’t simply returned them when he was asked to, the former president said he was 'too busy'.”

Former Republican Governor of New Jersey Chris Christie and now a presidential candidate opposing Donald Trump said this, reported in The Hill by Julie Mueller:

"GOP presidential candidate Chris Christie suggested that the former guy, President Trump, should have “skipped a couple of rounds of golf” to go through boxes containing classified materials after Trump said he did not have time to do so in response to a subpoena."

Cristie said, “none of this would’ve happened to [Trump] or to the country if he had just returned the documents.”

“Last night, I think the worst moment for him was that — talking about the fact that he just didn’t have time to go through these boxes … in response to a grand jury subpoena, yet he told the government and had his lawyer certify that he had returned all of the documents that were responsive to the subpoena,” Christie argued. “That is obstruction of justice.”

Reported in VOX by Li Zhou: Trump’s Fox News interview was a defense attorney’s nightmare. The former guy ( i.e., president) offered a confusing, and likely damaging, defense about his latest indictment, for his concealment of government classified and secret documents.

In a tense Fox News interview, the former guy Donald Trump offered a confusing defense in response to his recent indictment, touting his right to keep sensitive documents and effectively admitting that he held onto them even after he was supposed to return them.

Trump’s interview follows a 37-count indictment that’s centered on his decision to take classified national security documents after leaving the White House, for which he was arraigned in court in Miami last week.

“I have every right to have those boxes,” Trump told Fox News host Bret Baier as part of their conversation, while claiming that these documents were “declassified,” a point the indictment rebuts. “This is purely a Presidential Records Act. This is not a criminal thing.”

Trump’s statements, many of which were meandering and difficult to follow, both provided a muddled defense, and may have offered fodder to reinforce some of the charges against him. 

By acknowledging that he had the documents in his possession and that he had reasons for not returning them promptly, Trump’s statements corroborated allegations he’s charged with regarding mishandling these materials.

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