Maine Writer

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Location: Topsham, MAINE, United States

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Saturday, May 06, 2023

Dump the Chump: Donald Trump has "chump" syndrome!

Definition of "chump": A stupid or foolish person.
An echo opinion published in, in California:
In his latest attempt at self-glorification, a coffee table book named "Letters to Trump," the former guy president goes out of his way to insult and demean a true America hero, the late Senator John McCain, who died nearly five years ago. What is Trump's problem?
Maine Writer- Juliana L'Heureux at the gravesite where Senator John McCain is buried in Annapolis at the U.S. Navy Academy, in Maryland. (L'Heureux photo)

Shame on Trump the chump! i.e., Trump the Chump (T the C)

In his latest attempt at self-glorification, a coffee table book named "Letters to Trump," the former president goes out of his way to insult and demean a true America hero, the late Sen. John McCain, who died nearly five years ago. What is Trump's problem?
He will never be regarded as a real hero! He will never receive the respect and honor that McCain so rightly deserves?

McCain served willingly and heroically in Vietnam while "Captain Bonespur" hid behind his daddy's store-bought medical excuses? What is Mr. Trump's problem? Is he so insecure that he has to show himself on computer-generated bubblegum cards doing and performing mighty deeds that he has never done and never will do?

McCain was the real deal. An honest-to-God, real-life Vietnam veteran who fought and suffered for his country. He faced and endured horrors that you cannot even begin to imagine. Where does Trump get the nerve, the unmitigated gall, to belittle this soldier? When the call came, he went. Trump hid behind his daddy's money.

Now Trump wants us to make him the commander in chief of our military again. ❓ If that wasn't such an insult to every serviceman and woman, it would almost be funny. Almost. 😓

— Michael Cariker, in Bakersfield California
A complete list of the former guy's Twitter insults published in The New York Times is at this link here.

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