Maine Writer

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Thursday, June 02, 2022

Delusional czarist ambitions: Evil Vladimir Putin is a serial killer and mass murderer

"Ukrainians have shown they are ready to fight and die, and that they will never accept a Russian puppet regime." (Wilson Center)

Echo opinion letter: Vladimir Putin must be stopped!

A shudder went down the spine of the world when the N-word was heard across news channels on the third day of the Russian attack on Ukraine. It sounded as though President Putin had ordered his nuclear force to be in full preparedness to act.

Chechnya, Georgia, Syria, Belarus, Kazakhstan and now Ukraine. Next, Moldova, the Baltic States, Poland, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, maybe even Germany.

Russian President (#evil!) Vladimir Putin is a serial killer and mass murderer. He has to be stopped. If he is not stopped, his ally, Chinese leader Xi Jinping, will see the West’s passive, weak-kneed response as a green light to invade Taiwan.

Where will the U.S. fight? Will the fight be easier later, or now, when Ukrainians are putting up such stiff resistance and insist they could win with air support? I hope our government stops dithering while mass murders of civilians are growing by the day.

President Joe Biden, please send planes. There is, as the Bible says, a time for peace and a time for war. This is the time for war.

By the way, I’m a lifelong pacifist who participated in non-violent demonstrations during the 1960s, with the Rev. Martin Luther King in Mississippi. If Putin had been in charge, I would be dead. Sometimes, the moral and the practical line up.

There is a moral imperative to help Ukraine, and there are plenty of reasons to believe that things will be worse for us if we don’t and Putin succeeds in crushing another country.

From Max KUMMEROW in Urbana, Illinois

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