Maine Writer

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Location: Topsham, MAINE, United States

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Tuesday, December 21, 2021

Trump is the root of the national emergency- Lock Him Up!

It’s difficult understanding why all the Trump people, and Trump himself, have not been taken to court. We’ve been told and shown for months, how Trump people lied in their attacking of the building, injuring 140-plus workers, terrifying thousands.

Why do we wait? We’re hearing often about various law firms spending months being certain about ultimately hostile actions of Trump’s “army.”

"Former President Donald Trump the seditionist is still on the loose instead of being in jail where he belongs. The Justice Department should have indicted him months ago...."  Richer Striner in The Capital Gazette.

Echo opinion letter published in the Bozeman Daily Chronicle, a newspaper in Montana. 
Why, therefore, isn’t Trump in jail? Didn’t we think, and for some time, see, that it wouldn’t take this long? He is, for starters, the  defendant in 29 lawsuits. Many investors did criminal investigations in addition to those attorneys, obtaining the Trump tax returns. 

At the very least, there’s often mention of his own understanding that prison awaits him.

Richer Striner asks the question, disturbing many of us — plus millions all over the country: “Why is Trump, the seditionist, still on the loose, instead of in jail where he belongs? The Justice Department should have indicted him months ago! Look at the massive crimes Trump committed. What he’s doing to his Republican Party, is fascism!”

Bill Kennedy: “Our then supposed National Leader presided over, aided and abetted, the worst violent attack on...our government in more than 150 years, thus recommending Trump as President is quality of both Treason and Sedition!”

Jamelle Bouie: “As with the entire effort to overturn the result of the election, Trump’s behavior was as clumsy as it was in earnest.”

 Trump to Justice Department: “Just say the election was corrupt, and leave the rest to me.”

Trump being — as he was — an absurd figure, doesn’t mean we should treat his drives and desires as non-threatening; True when in office, and true now!

This Democrat in Montana, as I deal with Republican friends and strangers — will still delight in Trump’s knowingly eventual demise.

From Dan Lourie in Bozeman, Montana

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