Maine Writer

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Wednesday, September 08, 2021

Let's send DeSantis to study the eons of the impact caused by historic failed leadership

Can somebody help to fund Governor Ron DeSantis' visit to the British Museum in London, to view (and learn) about the failed Roman Emperor Nero? (Nero was born December 15, 37 ce, in Antium, Latium—and died June 9, 68, Rome), fifth Roman emperor (54–68 ce), stepson and heir of the emperor Claudius.)
Perhaps the most infamous of Rome’s emperors, Nero Claudius Caesar (37-68 A.D.) ruled Rome from 54 A.D. until his death by suicide, 14 years later.  (Does he resemble Ron DeSantis? Hmmm?)

Has stupid Governor Ron DeSantis taken advice about COVID? Nah! Nero redux! With Florida aflame with COVID, stupid Governor DeSantis resembles the Roman leader Nero more each day. In fact, DeSantis even looks like the failed Roman despot.

Opinion echo published in Sarasota Herald Tribune: The more Florida remains ablaze with COVID-19, the more DeSantis resembles Nero

Look, I’ve conjured up as many proposals as I can to convince Gov. Ron DeSantis to start treating common sense as an ally in the fight to stem COVID in Florida – and not as the adversary he clearly views it to be.
Governor of Florida Ron DesSantis is an Emperor Nero reenactor!

I’ve suggested that DeSantis take French lessons and emulate the decisive leadership that France’s president, Emmanuel Macron, has shown by getting tough with the petulant, anti-intellectual, science-mocking, “I ain’t getting vaccinated and you ain’t gonna make me no way, no how – no matter how many people get sick around me" (cult!) crowd.

I pleaded with DeSantis to not be “that guy” – the guy destined to be forever remembered, like former Alabama Gov. George Wallace, as a leader who, during a key moment in history, notoriously stood in the way of progress and enlightenment.

But, stupid Governor Ron DeSantis has not listened to my plea.

Therefore, I'm going to have to get money involved in all this.

Yes! I am ready to pay £25 – the £20 adult admission fee plus an additional £5 museum donation – to buy Gov. DeSantis a ticket to see “Nero: The Man Behind the Myth,” the wildly popular exhibition devoted to the infamous Roman emperor, in the world-renowned British Museum in London.

This is no small deal because the last time I checked, £25 converts to nearly $35 in American currency.  (Maine Writer- Can we also launch a fund raiser to pay for the DeSantis - one way- travel expenses? Just askin'!)

But, it's an investment I'll gladly make to let DeSantis learn, firsthand, about someone else who did precious little while the place he led – in Nero’s case, the fire-ravaged Rome of A.D. 64 – became ablaze with growing misery and affected lives.

OK, OK, I'll make the obvious point: No, of course, DeSantis doesn’t resemble Nero in every way: while DeSantis seems to govern with a relentlessly cynical streak, that’s nothing close to the routinely ruthless one that Nero wielded as an emperor.

Fine. I'll concede that much.(But, hey! He has the capacity to do so!)

But, come on now, think about it:

As Florida remains aflame with raging COVID infections, alarming levels of hospitalizations, rising deaths, still-sluggish vaccination rates and bizarre efforts to block schoolchildren from being protected by masks in classrooms, is there really much difference in how DeSantis is mishandling this crisis and how Nero obliviously allowed Rome to burn to a rubble around him?

Nero spent an inordinate amount of time preening, posturing and blustering instead of acting proactively to handle the fire.

HELO? Does this sound like stupid DeSantis and COVID? Check.

Moreover, Nero blamed others for causing and failing to quell the fire – instead of showing true accountability as a leader to bring things under control. DeSantis and COVID? Um, check again.

In fact, there are many DeSantis-Nero similarities. 

What DeSantis is is wrongly doing in Florida right now and what emperor Nero did back in Roman history, are like bookend historic similarities. Still, there’s only one reason why you can’t accurately accuse DeSantis of doing a perfect imitation of Nero “fiddling while Rome burned”: in fact, the violin actually hadn’t been invented when Nero was alive.

That’s pretty eye-opening when you think about it.

And it’s why I’m willing to open my wallet in yet one more bid to get DeSantis to open his mind – and to change his misguided approach to addressing COVID’s still-fearsome grip on our state.

Here’s hoping Gov. DeSantis takes me up on the offer. And here's hoping that he does it quickly.

You might say the time for fiddling around is over.

Opinions Editor Roger Brown can be reached at 

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