Maine Writer

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Sunday, August 29, 2021

Republican virus! Contaminated by stupidity!

This echo opinion letter was published in the Journal Inquirer a Connecticut newspaper:

For a whole year former #TFG Donald Trump was holding back the truth and spreading misinformation. Thanks to all the false conspiracy theories he and some conservative Republicans were spreading, it may well have cost over 500,000 lives. Trump has the blood of those lives on him. That happened on his watch. (Genocide!)

Vaccines are here and saving lives, as are masks. Unfortunately, a majority of Republicans and misguided citizens chose not to do either, so the pandemic is raging once again.

Children who can’t get vaccinated are falling ill and ending up in intensive-care units. The majority of the cases are occurring in Florida right now, where (stupid!) Governor Ron DeSantis is standing fast against mask mandates in schools, where the virus will spread. He is threatening to withhold salaries and possibly firing people for implementing mask mandates against his wishes.

DeSantis is a direct disciple of Trump, so this is not surprising but it is disgusting.

Doctors decide what is medically right for a child and masks work to keep children safe and alive. Does DeSantis truly not want that?

Nobody has the right to drive drunk and kill someone. And no governor has the right to not allow safety measure to keep kids alive.

These Republican governors will have the blood of children on their hands.

Return sanity to the Republican Party. Enough is enough

From Marcy Klein, Manchester Connecticut

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