Maine Writer

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Saturday, May 22, 2021

Requiem to the lost Republican Party

When the Trump family of coven and warlocks descended that escalator, their downward trajectory was more prophetic than anyone could have predicted. "When the Donald Dump family stepped onto an escalator in the atrium of the tRumph Tower on Fifth Avenue, in New Yor City, they began their descending...."

Opinion echo letter published in the Savannah Morning News, in Georgia:

Republicans have lost their way!

In fact, the GOP have completely lost their way.

This opinion deserves to have Mozart's Requiem as background....

In the heat of trying to destroy a president (President Obama), which is wrong on so many level, they have mostly destroyed themselves.

The reactionary Tea Party has proven to be their undoing. Only the blind (cult!) Fox viewers cannot see this.

Republican National Committee (RNC) former head Rience Priebus commissioned a report following the 2012, election that he then touted as saying “we need a rebranding effort.”

But, lo-and-behold he has done nothing to that end. Nothing. In fact the Republican Party has mostly gone backward.

Somehow, I’m thinking, throwing a major GOP shindig, as commenced last week, and putting onstage Duck Dynasty’s Phil Robertson to do some ugly Bible thumping condemning everyone, including the GOP, which he refreshingly called “desperate,” but himself, lacks rebranding insight..

That nonsense was followed by lil’ Miss Annie Oakley herself, Sarah Palin, who just can’t seem to get over Obama.

And then King of the Birthers, Donald Dump (Trump)!

People, people, wake up! The Republican party is drowning and leadership thinks tossing a millstone is a life preserver.

Then ole Reince himself gets onstage and throws as baby-fit, “we’re the party of equality, they’re the ones with the bad history.” Oh, yeah, Rience darlin’ keep tellin’ yourself that as you make history a self-fulfilling prophecy.

Rience, repeat, oh never mind. That’s one baby that should be thrown out with the dirty bathwater.

From Bernie Evans in Black Creek, Georgia.

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