Maine Writer

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Thursday, May 06, 2021

Media must ask Republicans : What does their political party stand for?

What does the Republican Party stand for?

#GQPManifesto: What has happened to the Republican party? They have lost the meaning of the word "truth". 

Opinion echo published in the LomPoc Record/Santa Maria Times, in California:
Media has an obligation to ask Republicans what it is their political party stands for.  Begin by asking for truth!

Authored by Marjorie Taylor Greene, Matt Gaetz (aka sexual predator), Paul Gosar and endorsed by a number of  #formerguy Trumpzi Republicans, including Sidney Powell, a recent seven-page manifesto was the basis of a newly minted effort to form an organization called “The America First Caucus”. (A euphemism for "White's Only")

It contains a list of grievances and follows citizen Trump’s footsteps. It calls for regulation of “big tech”, which the right feels works against them. It calls for an end to coronavirus lockdowns, opposes social justice programs like the Green New Deal and supports rejection of “globalist institutions”.

The big item is support of the “Big Lie” that Biden did not win the election. It holds forth proof of the belief that Democrats cannot possibly win an election.

The whole thing was withdrawn as party blowback, fearful that it would provide keys to the closet full of Republican skeletons, crushed it in embarrassment.

The full comedy inherent in this nonsense emerged when Marjorie Taylor Greene claimed “I was allowed to believe things that weren’t true” and a lawyer for Sidney Powell stated that a lawsuit against her by Dominion Voting Machines was a waste of time because, “No reasonable person would conclude that the statements by her were truly statements of fact”.

Let me remind my readers that these are people who are supposed to function within the boundaries of decency, law and ethical conduct and represent national interests when called upon.

Setting all the foregoing aside, I have not heard from any Republicans what the party stands for, what would be the most suitable description of that which has so energized its base. It would be a good question to ask Republican leadership for a clearly articulated statement in answer to that question.

It appears that Joe Biden has provided an answer for the Democrats, not by words, but by actions.

From Lee Rosenberg in Santa Ynez Valley, California

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