Maine Writer

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Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Captain Crozier is a metaphor for competent leadership: "What would Captain Crozier do?"

An echo opinion letter published in the Idaho Statesman newspaper:

To The Editor: When Captain Brett Crozier of the USS Theodore Roosevelt put his career on the line by identifying a problem and thereby saving his men from potential danger, he demonstrated genuine leadership.

Addressing problems through the “chain of command” could result in delay, indecision, or paralysis. Ostensibly, few leaders would be willing to upset this administration initially bent on denying any COVID 19 problem. As a former naval officer, I greatly admired and respect Captain Crozier’s courage to sound whatever alarms he deemed necessary to communicate the severity of the situation.

As a high ranking career naval officer, (and a U.S. Naval Academy graduate) he was well aware of the probable negative consequences of his action. Nevertheless, his concern for the well being of his men on the USS Theodore Roosevelt superseded any personal ambition of his.

Respect and loyalty from the crew were the result of his honorable leadership.

Regrettably , the captain of our ship of state (stupid Donald Trump) has no such moral conviction. This nation can observe two distinctly different leadership traits. Which type will this nation applaud, emulate or ultimately reward.

From Jim Franklin, Meridian Idaho

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