Maine Writer

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Friday, March 06, 2020

Donald Trump is extremely dangerous - opinion echo

History is being repeated- echo opinion letter published in The Roanoke Times, a newspaper in Virginia. 

The ongoing examples of allowance of a (inept!) United States President thwarting a democratic society, such as in the recent impeachment trial should serve as a warning to Americans. The saying that history repeats itself, but we never learn from it, is coming to pass.

One has to only look to the parallels within the 20th century of of rabble rousing and the blind following of so-called leaders/politicians, such as Hitler/Stalin/Mussolini and their ilk, to come to terms with what followed. 

Unfortunately, we have not learned.

Trump and his sycophants are indeed appealing to the unawareness of "believers," (i.e. "cultists") touting what they want to hear, using them as a conduit for increasing unquestioned political and economic power. Unfortunately, the politics of this country are all about money. It is naive to believe that "social" idealism of a caring society will ever be a success in this culture. There has to be a middle ground that incorporates less inequality but recognizes that an increasing population along with climate change will continue to be contributing factors. However, electing authoritarian or so called politicians such as Trump will continue to isolate the USA and propel us backwards. This man is extremely dangerous as he is the puppet of those who manipulate their ambitions via his personality. If this individual is reelected it will be downhill for the man in the street and the transparency they think he represents will merely propel the behind the scenes reality of personal ambition.

From Sonia East, Copper Hill Virginia

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