Maine Writer

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Friday, February 21, 2020

Republicans have ignored the symbolism in our American flag- an opinion echo

Echo- To the Editor of the Syracuse New York

"...all GOP representatives have to be replaced with more honest and fair-minded representatives."
I saw our flag the other day, our symbol for “truth, justice and the American way.” Where all people are supposed to be equal, where people have a voice in their own lives and where no one is above the law. This country is not perfect , but the idea behind the flag is a good one.

However, for the first time I saw the flag as dirty, being tainted with injustice and corruption. How can you have a country where everyone is equal, if the leader believes that he is above the law? This idea goes against everything this country stands for.

People need to speak up before we lose everything that our country has fought for. No one person can be above the law. We have legislators who represent us in our government. They need to hear from us to fight for fairness and equality. All government officials who do not actively support equality need to be voted out. Our guiding lights are the Declaration of Independence and the United States Constitution, not believing in any cult leader who lies and corrupts those who believe him.

Look at our recent news: Donald Trump (tRumpzi!) is using his Attorney General (#DisBarBarr!) to legally justify whatever he wants. 

His Treasury Secretary is preventing his financial records from being seen. His Secretary of State is helping to corrupt the election. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (#MoscowMitch!) is only getting select judges. There are many more incidents of corruption that the GOP have completed, with minimal disclosure. They need to protect justice, not destroy it. Nearly all GOP representatives have to be replaced with more honest and fair-minded representatives.

Remember how our government is supposed to work: “Of the people, by the people and for the people.” We have to talk and listen to others, read more, listen to multiple media, call your representatives and, by all means, vote.

From Bob Keegan,  North Syracuse New York

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