Maine Writer

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Saturday, December 21, 2019

When will Congressional Republicans find an anecdote for stupidity? Echo opinion

By Norman Ladner published in (Staten Island, New York)

I am so tired of stupidity.

Blackmailing another nation to interfere with our election is treason, but to Trump’s lackeys, treason is wanting nutrition in school lunches. The coverup is as ludicrous as Trump’s hair.

Even Sondland, a Republican who handed Trump $1,000,000, said everyone in the loop knew what Trump was doing. The truth is, as long as the oligarchs get tax breaks and the racists can sleep, that’s (the eveil reality) of what matters.

Last summer, Pence and his whole entourage traveled 181 miles out of their way to sleep in a Trump hotel. Military stopovers in 5-star Trump hotels aren’t normal. That’s the tip of the iceberg. It’s all impeachable and nobody does anything.

The Mueller Investigation noted 10 instances of obstruction. Each one is impeachable. Nothing happened.

Donald Trump (now forever known as IMpotus- "impeached President") threatened a witness while she was testifying in Congress, but that’s not witness intimidation in the Land of Oz.

The draft dodger has threatened blood in the streets if he is removed. He is threatening us with revolution. Perfectly fine!

Trump and his adult criminal family have to pay back over $2,000,000 that they stole from charity. What kind of lowlife would steal from charity? But, it’s anti-Christian to say Happy Holidays.

Everyone knows that Stephen Miller, the architect of America’s immigration system, is a white supremacist. He would wear a hood, but they won’t take Jews in the Klan. This sick white supremacist is running American immigration. It took 30 months and a freshman congresswoman to say something. So they attacked her.

Stone, Cohen, Manaford, Flynn all have three things in common: They have the best legal representation. They are all pals of Trump. And, they are all in jail.
The President is a racist‚ an embezzler, a thief, a liar, a bully, an admitted molester, says and does insane things and in a rational world not one of these things would be open to denial. The oligarchs who could dump Donald by Kwanzaa were invisible until Warren said “wealth tax,” then they went ballistic.

One literally cried that people didn’t like him because he is rich. I don’t dislike him because of his billions. I hate him because he is an oligarch. I shouldn’t quote myself, but I am so tired of stupidity!

Feliz Navidad!  (Norman Ladner is an Eltingville resident.)

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