Maine Writer

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Sunday, June 09, 2019

Trump's lost "winning record" must be hidden with his tax returns

If Trump supporters are tired of "winning", they must also be weary about waiting for anything to become fatigued about, because, frankly, absolutely nothing is happening (yawn).  

All the 'winning' we're doing is delusional Donald Trump- an echo opinion letter, published in the Carroll County Times, a Maryland newspaper.

Tired of winning yet, Trumpzi supporters?

In 2016, Donald Trump told his delusional supporters that they would get tired of winning. 

So, are you tired of winning yet? Are you tired of getting those huge tax refunds? Are you tired of those big employer bonuses Trump promised? Are you tired of that big pay raise Trump said you would get? How about Trump's promise he would give you great health care coverage at a lower cost?

Trump filed a lawsuit through the Department of Justice proposing that the entire Affordable Care Act (ACA) be thrown out including protection for preexisting conditions with no plans to replace it. If his lawsuit succeeds, over 20 million Americans will lose their health insurance and everyone else will lose protections under the ACA. He's telling his supporters to wait until after the 2020 election to see his plan. Right....just like President Nixon's secret (treasonous) plan to get us out of Vietnam after you reelected him. 

There was no "secret" plan to pull out of Vietnam and tens of thousands of additional Americans died as a result. 

Trump and his Republican puppets have no health care plan either and many Americans will die for lack of affordable health care. A very pro-birth (not pro-child) position Maryland Republican delegates like Haven Shoemaker can get behind.

How about Trump's 25 percent tariffs on China and possible tariffs on Mexico? Guess who pays — American consumers and businesses. You will be paying up to 25 percent more for products you buy from China and Mexico. Chances are you will buy less. This hurts American businesses who will cut American workers because of lower demand for higher-priced products. There goes your tax refund, bonus and pay raise.

American farmers are getting hammered by Trump's China tariffs. Trump's answer is to give farmers welfare/bailout payments until China gives in. It's what Republicans like to call “socialism.” Guess what? China now buys much of its soybeans from Brazil and Argentina. So there is no real pressure on China to give in to Trump's tariffs. Farmers want free market trade and work, not welfare handouts

The guy who talks about getting tired of winning is really a loser. From 1985-1994, Trump tax records show that he lost $1.17 billion. [Because he lost so much] he didn't pay taxes in eight of the 10 years. Maybe this is why Trump doesn't want us to see his more recent tax returns.

They say fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me, fool me a third time, you're just plain stupid. Tired of winning yet?

David J. Iacono,  Westminster, Maryland

P.S. MaineWriter- Maybe archaeologists will discover all those "winning" Trump plans when they eventually unearth the Trumpzi's hidden tax returns.

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