Maine Writer

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Thursday, April 11, 2019

William Barr making accusations without proof!

Former Director of National Intelligence, James Clapper Slams Barr for Spy Comments
Without evidence, William Barr has made an accusation against Donald Trump's political rivals. This tyrannical statement is raising yet another danger signal about the inappropriate use of power by the Trumpzi administration and the sinister influence of the "loyalty oath".
Shame on the Trumpzi Attorney General William Barr. He made accusations about "spying" without giving evidence.

CNN- Newsmax:  Attorney General William Barr's claim he thought President Donald Trump's 2016 presidential campaign was spied on is "both stunning and scary," the former Director of National Intelligence said on an appearance on CNN cable news.

"I thought it was both stunning and scary," said James Clapper, who served under President Barack Obama. "I was amazed at that and rather disappointed that the attorney general would say such a thing. The term 'spying' has all kinds of negative connotations, and I have to believe he chose that term deliberately."

Barr, appearing before a Senate panel hearing, declared Wednesday he believes "spying did occur" on Trump's campaign, suggesting the origins of the Russia probe might have been mishandled.

Barr said he did not have specific evidence of wrongdoing but told the panel he did "have questions about it."

(HELLO? Well, just in case Trumpzi Attorney General William Barr missed the news, now hear this! Americans have plenty of legitimate questions about Donald Trump's illegal campaign communications with Russia, but according to the #fakeBarrLetter, there's "no collusion, no exoneration".)

Clapper criticized Barr for making the inappropriate comments.

"It would have been far more appropriate for him to just defer to that investigation rather than postulating with apparently no evidence," he told CNN’s Anderson Cooper. "He just has a feeling that there was spying against the campaign."

Asked again about spying at the end of the hearing, Barr tempered his tone "I am not saying improper surveillance occurred," he said. "I am saying I am concerned about it, and I am looking into it."

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