Maine Writer

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Wednesday, September 26, 2018

South Carolina echo opinion ~ Donald Trump is unable to garner loyalty

Donald Trump is incapable of hiring a "band of rivals". Instead, he fires those who refuse to idolize his ego. Trump's failed leadership is made worse by his inability to hear differing points of view.

With Donald 
Trump, this is not the American way ~ echo opinion letter published in The Island Pocket - Hilton Head, South Carolina. Although Donald Trump demands loyalty from his staffs, the failed leadership he has exhibited has not inspired this level of blind minded support. 
Wake up, America! Pay attention!  Donald Trump is a paranoid, narcissistic, destructive bully who is daily damaging our country.
Consider Peter Strzok. He served our country working in the FBI, and he appears to have done so both skillfully and ethically. 

During a Congressional hearing earlier this year concerning Strzok’s private email expressing his distaste for Donald Trump, Strzok was the target of a lot of bombastic rhetoric, but there was no evidence of his having done anything wrong.

He didn't harm the country, misuse his authority, or interfere with the electoral process. Nonetheless, primarily because of the Donald Trump's intolerance for anyone who isn’t a Trump-loyalist, Strzok has been fired.

That’s right. Strzok lost his job because he expressed his dislike for Trump in a private email. Because he didn’t kneel and kiss the Donald’s ring, he lost his career and the country lost his expertise and service.

In the same vein, former CIA Director John Brennan’s security clearance has been revoked. Like Strzok, Brennan’s only error has been exercising his freedom of speech – having independent critical thoughts and expressing them.

Now Trump is anticipating additional baseless revocations that will likely make mid-career national security professionals feel threatened and have a chilling effect on honest, fact-driven dialogue. And besides offering another example of the president’s inappropriate use of his power, this will diminish our nation’s security.

Do you really want a mean-spirited, less American, less secure, personality-cult state?

I don’t.  From Bill Newby, Hilton Hill Island, South Carolina

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