Maine Writer

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Sunday, June 17, 2018

Arkansas Times ~ echo opinion letter: Comrade Trump

The enemy within (in other words "We have met the enemy and they are US", meaning Trump supporters.) ~ an echo opinion letter by , published in The Arkansas Times

We defeated the Redcoats. Outsmarted the Wehrmacht. Stared down the Red Army and humiliated the Imperial Japanese Army.

The enemy within
We defeated the Redcoats. Outsmarted the Wehrmacht. Stared down the Red Army and humiliated the Imperial Japanese Army.

The oceans of American blood and tears that have been spent to defend our fragile democracy have etched a trail from Gettysburg to Washington, from the beaches of Normandy to Washington and from Hiroshima to Washington.

For what? So we can have Donald Trump, who doesn't believe in military service, arguing that military combat is no more dangerous than fighting off STDs (sexually transmitted disease) in the Manhattan dating scene. 

Hey, Trump supporters, especially military veterans, offer up your proud and convincing defense of your commander in chief on that slimy score. C'mon, scream it from the rooftops!

What about his taped admission that he sexually assaults women because it's what they want? No one can deny he said it. 

Sexual assault awareness
So, women for Trump, stand up and espouse your praise for all men who demean and assault women because such criminal and debauched behavior is not in conflict with your skewed values. C'mon, scream it from the rooftops!

And let's not forget our president regards the Constitution as just scribbling on paper. In his narcissistic world, he and he alone is the governing force; whatever he wants to do he can do. He views the Oval Office as a nation state similar to the Vatican. The Constitution's three branches of government exist at his pleasure to fulfill his personal agenda. The Constitution, as it was written, has no sway when it comes to emoluments, equal treatment under the law, freedom of speech ... nope. 

Comrade Trump operates with impunity rejecting constitutional limits of power treating the three branches — executive, legislative and judicial — as portfolio holdings in Trump Properties. All you constitutionalists who support our president's blatant and unrestrained moves toward totalitarianism, profess your support for creeping despotism. C'mon, scream it from the rooftops!

Little did the brave and unselfish defenders of America's freedom know that our democratic system would open its arms to the one person who wishes to destroy it. Donald Trump. He's the enemy within.

And (by declaring he can even give a pardon to himself) he's succeeding.

Harry Herget, Little Rock

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