Maine Writer

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Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Mississippi echo opinion ~ Republican tax cuts for the rich

A letter to the editor published in the Mississippi Daily Journal newspaper ~ echo:

Republicans abandoned principles with omnibus bill

It is time to remodel and upgrade the Republican Party to reflect current standards.

Since the party has abandoned the platform and promises of 2016, the first change should be to swap the elephant for a rhinoceros and the GOP logo to RINO (Republican In Name Only).

The $1.3 trillion omnibus appropriations bill just passed by Republican majorities in both the Senate and House violates nearly every principle and promise made to conservative Republicans while granting Democrats everything they asked for.

Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer said it best, “It’s a funny thing. We’re able to accomplish more in the minority than we were when we had the presidency or even were in the majority.”

They were able to fully fund Planned Parenthood and Obamacare*, double the number of immigrant workers to compete with citizens and students for jobs, and funded programs the Secretary of Education had been eliminating because they were unneeded and unnecessary.

This pork-laden bill that will only fund the government for the last 6 months of the fiscal year will add an estimated $1 trillion to the debt.

Republicans studied the way Democrats passed Obamacare because the Republican leadership used the “Pelosi rule” of “pass it and then we will find out what is in it” tactic to ram this 2,232 page bill through a vote before legislators had a chance to comprehend what they were voting on.

Rep. Trent Kelly should be complimented as the only member of our Mississippi legislative delegation who refused to compromise his conservative principles and voted no on the bill. All of the others abandoned their principles and voted to hand this wasteful victory to the Democrats.

This brings up the question of what to do in November. 

Do we stay with incumbent RINO’s who have confused leadership with rubber stamping Democrat demands, or do we start looking for some real conservatives to support.

The decision is not hard for me when I look at the $21 trillion in debt our legislators approved that our grandchildren will have to pay back.

Raymond Settle, Blue Mountain, Mississippi

*Taaaadaaa! :))

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