Maine Writer

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Sunday, October 01, 2017

Secretary Rex Tillerson is being undermined by his boss

Secretary of State Rex Tillerson should not be criticized by Donald Trump, especially during delicate North Korean negotiations
It's doubtful that the US Secretary of State Tillerson's career has been challenged by many among his wealthy executive corporate peers. Otherwise, Tillerson's success as an oil company executive and energy tycoon would've been undermined by his opponents, a long time ago. In other words, Mr. Tillerson is seldom challenged for exercising his expertise.

Consequently, it makes no sense, whatsoever, for Donald Trump to criticize Secretary Tillerson for negotiating through back door diplomatic channels, to prevent a nuclear war with North Korea. Instead, Secretary Tillerson must be supported for his efforts to save the earth from experiencing a nuclear war with North Korea.

Frankly, somebody must be an adult at this dangerous *brinkmanship* negotiating table. 

Obviously, (at least, in my humble opinion) Secretary Rex Tillerson is far more capable of exercising mature behavior than are the two key international leaders, who are fooling around with the future of the planet. 

In fact, North Korean leader Kim Jong-un and Donald Trump are incapable of creating peace. They're driving our two nations closer to the proverbial edge of begin a devastating nuclear war.

Nevertheless, Donald Trump is posting critical Tweets: NYTimes

Trump Says Tillerson Is ‘Wasting His Time’ on North Korea

Although I'm not particularly a fan of Secretary of State Tillerson, because he has very little high level diplomatic negotiating experience, the fact is, he is entitled to do his job without public criticism from the even less experienced Donald J. Trump.

Nevertheless, the problem is, when will the Donald Trump voters going to figure out how dangerously incompetent Donald J Trump is, before it's too late to save our planet from the holocaust of a nuclear war?

(Under the title of "what kind of an idiot would do this?!)....DonaldTrump:
A day after his secretary of state said the US had direct lines of communication to North Korea and was “probing” to find ways to resolve escalating nuclear tension between the two countries, Donald Trump tweeted that his top diplomat should “save his energy” as “we’ll do what has to be done!”

"...he is wasting his time trying to negotiate with 'Little Rocket Man'", Donald Trump wrote, from his golf club in Bedminster, New Jersey, using the (immature) nickname he adopted for North Korean leader, Kim Jong-Un.

Having Donald Trump undermining the US Secretary of State is another terrible example of his inability to rise to the intellectual level needed by a political leader to resolve problems. Donald Trump continues to demonstrate stupidity. Nevertheless, those who are supposed to be advising him don't appear prepared to challenge his authority. Perhaps, Secretary of State Tillerson can show some integrity and tell Donald Trump to keep his mouth shut, especially when it comes to challenging Kim Jong-un in North Korea.  

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